Kids in Worship


Children are important, full partners alongside the adults of Gloria Dei.  They are teachers, learners, friends, and dinner companions at the one and only table we have.  Look for children to serve communion, worship, teach Sunday School, and do service projects right along with everyone else.

That means you may hear some babies crying, children rustling, and adults chatting with them during worship and we're ok with that! We're so glad families feel welcome at Gloria Dei for who they are.


Sometimes kids and parents need a break from each other. If you'd like to worship and provide your kids with a much needed break, feel free to use our nursery. Our nursery is staffed by screened, local nursing students from Luther College during nearly all worship services. The nursery is located on the 2nd floor around the corner from the Sanctuary. The nursery is only staffed during the school year. During the summer, parents are welcome to be with their kids in the nursery while listening to the worship service on the speaker system.

At EPIC worship, the kids set the table!


There is always room for more at God’s Table. Everyone is welcome and that includes you!

At Gloria Dei, people of all ages are invited to the table to receive the bread and the wine of Holy Communion. When Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me”, he did not include any fine print on who should be included or what age they should be. Holy Communion at Gloria Dei reminds us:

  • All are welcome at the table.

  • We are forgiven.

  • God’s presence is felt in the bread and the wine. Grape juice is available for kids participating in communion.

  • We are united as community in this meal.